
How to Write a Script for Insurance Short Videos: An English Translation Guide

In the world of social media, short videos have become an effective and engaging way to convey information. Specifically, for insurance companies looking to promote their services and products, producing well-crafted scripts for TikTok or other platforms can make a significant impact. This guide will provide insights on how to write a script for an insurance-related short video, including the shooting scene, visual content, camera angles, character actions, dialogue, and duration.

Title: “The Importance of Insurance: Protect Your Future”

Set the video at a serene park with a beautiful sunset in the background. The scene should depict a relaxed and happy environment, which will emphasize the positive benefits of having insurance coverage.

Visual Content:
1. Begin the video with a close-up shot of a smiling family, interacting happily and enjoying each other’s company.
2. Next, show a mid-shot of a young couple purchasing insurance from an agent, exchanging documents and shaking hands.
3. Include a panning shot of a house to signify the importance of home insurance.
4. Show a montage of various people engaged in activities such as driving a car, participating in adventure sports, or running small businesses, highlighting the different types of insurance coverage required for each situation.
5. Showcase a quick scene of an insurance claim being processed efficiently and swiftly, featuring an agent assisting a client with paperwork and providing support during a difficult situation.
6. End the video with a cheerful group shot of the family from the beginning, giving a sense of security and peace of mind.

Camera Angles:
1. Use close-ups to capture emotions and facial expressions during the purchase of insurance.
2. Wide shots will allow viewers to appreciate the beauty of the park and emphasize the serenity of the atmosphere.
3. Utilize tracking shots to follow characters engaged in various activities, showcasing the dynamic nature of insurance needs.
4. Incorporate overhead shots to illustrate the paperwork and process involved in filing an insurance claim.

Character Actions:
1. The young couple engages in a friendly conversation with the insurance agent, expressing their concerns and getting reassurance regarding the coverage.
2. Show the family members engaged in playful activities, symbolizing a carefree life made possible by having insurance protection.
3. Highlight the agent’s professionalism and reliability when assisting clients with their insurance claims.

Agent: “Did you know that having comprehensive insurance coverage can secure your family’s future?”
Husband: “Really? How does it work?”
Agent: “Well, if anything unfortunate happens, such as accidents or unpredictable events, insurance will provide financial support, giving you peace of mind.”
Wife: “That sounds great! We should definitely consider getting insurance.”

The video should have a total duration of around 30 seconds to maintain viewers’ attention and engagement.

In conclusion, writing an effective script for an insurance short video involves setting an appropriate scene, incorporating engaging visual content, choosing suitable camera angles, directing character actions, and crafting meaningful dialogue. By following these guidelines, insurance companies can effectively convey the importance of insurance and engage their target audience on platforms like TikTok. So, gear up and create compelling scripts to leave a lasting impression on viewers while promoting your valuable insurance services and products.



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